First Timers

If you have any hesitations or specific questions, you can schedule a phone call prior to booking.

We always check in prior to each new session to determine the best path forward.

What to expect with bodywork:

It is common to feel increased range of motion after sessions, but with increased soreness. This is due to the detoxification process. You should never have pain. Bodywork allows tense hard tissues to restore to a more elastic and fluid state, allowing trapped toxins within the tissues to release and be flushed out of the system. Depending on the modality or approach used, some people feel slight soreness or are a bit tired after sessions..

Be aware that sensations, emotions, and memories from past experiences can surface during bodywork and somatic treatments such as SE &TRE. It is also quite common for the body to vibrate, tremble, or move spontaneously during a release which is in part how the nervous system rebalances, all of which are normal responses.

Post Session Self-care

Please be attentive to the needs of your body and nervous system after sessions. It is recommended that you give yourself adequate rest and drink extra water even if you don’t think you need it. Many clients benefit from taking an Epsom salt bath after bodywork to relieve soreness and relax and speed up the detoxification process.

What to Wear

For Myofascial Release men should bring/wear boxers, briefs, or running shorts. Women should wear comfortable underwear, exercise shorts and sports bra, or a 2-piece bathing suit. Wear whatever is most comfortable for you. These kinds of bodywork require direct contact with the skin in various positions and standing postural evaluations and will not use top-sheet draping methods except as required for warmth. 

CranioSacral or SomatoEmotional Release treatments only require that you are in comfortable clothing. You will be dressed the entire time.

For Integrative Massage sessions you will be fully draped the entire time. Simply undress to your level of comfort under the sheet while the therapist is out of the room. 

TRE sessions are done fully clothed. Typically loose fitting and comfortable clothing are best because they allow you to perform TRE’s simple movements and exercises. Bringing upper body layers is helpful because you may get both warm and cool throughout the TRE process.

Somatic Experiencing sessions are done fully clothed and require no special considerations beyond comfort.