Pricing for all Services
Somatic Experiencing & TRE
60 min. $115 | 90 min. $165
Therapeutic Massage
60 min. $115 | 90 min. $165
All Advanced Bodywork
Myofascial Release / Craniosacral Therapy / Somato-Emotional Release / Other
60 min. $115 | 90 min. $165
HEADS UP! Price increase for 2024 on all services to reflect the average in the area for similar services.
Above are my full fees for services. If you are financially secure I ask you to pay that as normal.
I do accept tips for bodywork services.
I do offer an equitable sliding scale for those who ACTUALLY need it.
If you would like to use a sliding scale, please email me ahead of time as I can only take so many sliding scale clients in a month. You may be placed in a waitlist. No questions asked or explanations needed around proof of income. I just ask that you are honest. Find out where you fall on the Sliding Scale prior to reaching out. Income is NOT the only thing to take into consideration.