Overcoming Chronic Stress & Trauma
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented therapeutic model that helps heal trauma and other stress disorders. Developed by Peter Levine, with over 45 years of successful clinical application, the 3 year program prepares professionals to help others overcome trauma and move into an embodied and joyful life. This is approached by gently guiding clients to develop increasing tolerance for difficult bodily sensations and suppressed emotions.
This is for you if you:
Want help healing from a difficult past experience, surgery, or birth
Are feeling numb and disconnected
Want to heal ruptured sexual boundaries
Feel like something is missing from traditional counseling and you want a more embodied experience of healing
Want to learn about the animal body you inhabit and trust your instincts
Want to learn how to buffer yourself from long term or ongoing stress
Want a real world understanding of your nervous system
Are tired of everything overwhelming you
Want to get rid of anxiety and not just “manage” it
Want to develop more empathy for your and others reactions
Want to understand the social nervous system to have more fulfilling and loving relationships
Want to understand why we repeat patterns, go back into relationships that don’t serve us, or unintentionally repeat behaviors that are harmful
Want to know our boundaries and feel comfortable setting them with love
Want to learn how to speak up or speak out on difficult issues

Understanding YOUR body & Nervous System can be one of the most powerful experiences you can ever gain.

Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises
TRE is a powerful somatic practice, backed by extensive research, that supports the body’s natural ability to discharge stress through neurogenic tremors (shaking).
This is for you if you:
Want to directly release physical or emotional tension from your body
You want a solid self care tool that helps balance your nervous system
Aren’t experiencing relief with methods like yoga, exercise, breath work, and talk therapy and you want to get underneath the stress
You want practical exercises that can help relieve stress and physical tension
You want an affordable practice you can do at home on your own
You want to experience how the body shakes off stress
You are an athlete or use your body extensively and want to help the body recover
You want some assistance implementing interventions to deepen your TRE practice
You are ready to join a TRE group shake for extra support
You want to have hands on intervention from a skilled practitioner to deepen your experience
and personal TRE practice or move beyond stuck habitual shaking patterns
The Safe and Sound Protocol
The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP), created by Dr. Stephen Porges, is an evidence-based listening therapy designed to reduce sound sensitivities and improve auditory processing, behavioral state regulation, and social engagement behaviors, reducing stress and improving the wellbeing of people of all ages.
This is for you if you:
Experience social and emotional difficulties
Experience auditory sensitivities
Experience anxiety and trauma related challenges and want extra support
Experience inattention and lack of focus on tasks
Experience stressors that impact social engagement
Have internal agitation, irritability and reactivity
You or your child is on the Autism Spectrum
Have a physical conditions exacerbated by stress

The body is a powerful guide to healing.
It’s here that we get to return to the wild and instinctual part of ourselves, our body, which can guide us home.
Read more about the importance of somatic (body) interventions for healing chronic stress & trauma.